Sometimes life doesn't go they way you want it do. Sometimes people don't treat you the way you think they should. And we are disappointed. So how do we deal? How do we move on? As part of our series …
One in five people in America wrestle with depression and anxiety, and it can overwhelm our lives. Often the church is quiet on this topic, unsure of how to address it. As part of our series, Going Under, we take …
Sometimes doubt is a huge hurdle. We think about everything that can go wrong, not everything that can go right. And our self-doubts can take us down roads God never wants us to go down. This week, we’re talking about …
Are you struggling in debt? Are there things in your past you’re still paying off, so you can’t enjoy your present or plan for your future? Debt is something familiar to almost everybody, but it’s not always about money! Ther...
Life comes at us hard sometimes, and it can make us feel like we're drowning- like we're going under. But the Bible gives us some great lessons we can learn about God, and promises we can hang onto to keep …
Just a quick episode sharing some great thoughts from one of my favorite devotionals of all time- My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. Enjoy! My Utmost for His Highest (c) Oswald Chambers Publication Assoc. LTD
My interview with Jason Hensley- former Pastor and Police officer who is now in charge of campus safety for our large Southern California church. In light of recent events, how should the church prepare herself? And what's ou...
What you build on , what you build with , and how you build can make the difference whether your structure stands the test of time, or falls into disrepair. That principle is the same whether you're building a house, …
There's a rising trend in America of people whose religious affiliation can be described as "none". And now they number the same as Evangelical protestants and Catholics . On today's podcast, Jamie and I discuss the trend, an...
In the next volley in the battle for the unborn, Ohio recently passed SB23, "the Heartbeat Bill", which outlaws abortion after a heartbeat is detected in the baby. One of the driving forces behind this new law is Citizens for...
More and more people are identifying as "nones"- no religious affiliation. That doesn't necessarily mean they don't believe in God, but they're not letting themselves be defined by an organization. That can seem like bad news...
This week on the podcast I welcome friend and Co-host Jamie Cluck as we discuss the church's best strategies when facing the unrelenting assault on the church, symbols of faith, and morality in our culture. We discuss whether...
Ever have a bad day? Week? Month? What do we do with that? And what is God doing with it? In today's podcast we look at the counterintuitive thinking of Ecclesiastes 7:1-10 and find out that what we need sometimes …
In this episode we look at how the church has had to contend for the faith in its history, and we talk about what we can do as believers to contend for the faith.
In the Book of Jude , we're challenged to " contend for the faith ". Not from attacks from the outside, but from the inside . In part 1 we talk about where the biggest danger to the church comes …
As part of a teaching on Traveling Companions - the people we go through life with , we ask the question- what if there's no one on the journey with us? In this podcast we talk break apart singleness and …
What does it mean when the Bible says Jesus is the Good Shepherd? What does it look like to have a shepherd's heart? We talk about what it means to care for the flock, and why going after "the one" …
In this episode we look at the Exodus and the kinds of people we'll encounter on our own journey towards God's purposes in our life. Full length message.
Just because the government is shutdown doesn't mean the church is! Today we talk about the tremendous opportunity we have as believers to impact the lives of those affected by the current government situation.
This week we answer a question posed by one of the young adults I work with: Is there a Biblical way to explain the scientific evidence that has supported the theory of evolution? We know the story of the creation, …
Join us for our first episode as we get our feet wet and make this happen! Live AD33- living in view of the cross of Christ and giving current events eternal perspective.
God wants us to have lives of meaning, which means we need to purpose our purpose through the things that have real value: God's word, God's people, and God's work. On this episode we look at what that means, and …